
Col·laboració amb la Universitat ENSET

MCIA group teachers collaborate in a conference on control and diagnosis of electromechanical systems organized by the group EREMDC Electric Research Laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique (enset-Rabat)
Collaboration between groups EREMDC and MCIA is leading to possible ways of collaboration between laboratories and graduate students related to the control and diagnosis of electromechanical systems.
Professors of the MCIA Center collaborate in the Conference on Control and Diagnosis of Electromechanical Systems organized by the group EREMDC Electric Research Laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique (ENSET-Rabat).The collaboration between groups and MCIA EREMDC, lead by the professors Juan Antonio Ortega and Soumia al Hani respectively, may result in possible ways of collaboration between laboratories by PhD students related to the control and diagnosis of electromechanical systems.