Luis Romeral


Dr. Luis Romeral Martínez received his electrical engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1985 and 1995 respectively. In 1988 he joined the Electronic Engineering Department of the UPC, where he is currently Associate Professor. In 2001, Dr. Romeral headed the foundation of Motion Control and Industrial Applications (MCIA Center) as a research group of the UPC, since then, he occupies the Direction's position. His research and technology transfer activity covers industrial electronics, industrial maintenance, energy efficiency, high-voltage systems, mechatronics and electric vehicle technologies.

Over the last ten years, eleven Ph.D. dissertations have been completed under his supervision, three of them in the last two years, while he is currently supervisor of six Ph. D. students, all of them related with the aforesaid fields of knowledge. As result of his scientific activity, he has authored more than 250 peer reviewed scientific papers published in technical journals and conference proceedings, such as “A Multi-Objective GA to Demand-side Management in an Automated Warehouse”, and “Diagnosis of Inter-Turn Faults in PMSMs Operating under Non-Stationary Conditions by applying Order Tracking Filtering”, published on the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics respectively, two of the most significant journals in their corresponding areas.

During the last ten years, Dr. L. Romeral is the responsible person for several research projects funded by Spanish agencies by means the proposal and development of research programs aligned with the National research lines. Complementary, Dr. L. Romeral participates as a partner or subcontractor in European-Union funded projects (VI and VII Framework Programmes), and also Intercontinental consortiums to stimulate the National industry expansion. As an example of his National technology transfer activity, Dr. L. Romeral accounts with the scientific management of the recent National CENIT VERDE project towards more electrical vehicle technologies, leaded by SEAT S. A and formed by more than 20 Industrial partners such as SIEMENS, COBRA or CEGASA, and more than 15 research centers as Green Power and Fundación CTM Centro Tecnológico. At European scale, Dr. L. Romeral participates in multiple projects technology transfer based towards the industry, such as “Increase of automotive car industry competitiveness through an integral and artificial intelligence driven energy management system”, and “Intelligent Monitoring System based on Acoustic Emission Sensing for Plant Condition Monitoring and Preventative Maintenance”. The continuous industrial and research collaboration is resulting in the last years in the expansion towards intercontinental consortiums, as the Iberoeka granted project “Plataforma automotriz para vehículo eléctrico urbano energéticamente eficiente” with Spanish and Mexican industrial partners.

In order to introduce to the future professional the current industrial needs and latest scientific developments, Dr. L. Romeral coordinates and teaches courses in the Ph. D. Program in Electronic Engineering, offered by the department of Electronic Engineering of the UPC. This Ph.D. program has been awarded with a quality distinction from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.