Work with us

Despite MCIA Research Center notable expansion since its inception, team spirit has always been considered a key element of MCIA success. In that sense, the Center is active in creating and developing links with entities such as universities, technology centers, associations and companies, with the aim of mutual uplifting towards excellence.

The following are some facts and figures about MCIA activities:

• Partnership for research and technology based projects

The MCIA Center taken part in 170+ national and international projects as either Project Coordinator or Research Center partner, developing an extensive experience in research and technology transfer.

Some of the most significant projects in which the Center has participated can be found here.

• Scientific activity

The MCIA Center activities around research range from developing Ph.D theses (+60 theses read, some of which developing long term projects within the thesis), contributing to renowned journals (+370 journal articles and +330 collaborations in journals) and attending international congresses (+620 presentations).

In FUTUR UPC a complete and updated list of the Center’s Theses and Publications can be found.

Academic activities

The MCIA Center academic staff is actively involved in national and international academic programs, either contributing in the organization and/or collaboration in academic activities such as masters, seminars, students exchange among others.

Professors stays

The national and international relationships between researchers and professors are usual and always welcome. The MCIA Center is interested in advanced educational tools and procedures to acquire and improve educational skills, so, the academic methods exchange with visitant professors is highly interesting for its members.

Student stays

The MCIA Center promotes the integration of qualified students that can develop thesis or industrial stays as a part of an international engineering program.

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