R&D&i Projects

Some of the most significant projects in which the Center has taken part are:

  • RHODAS: Reinventing high-performance power converters for heavy-duty electric transport.
  • EUROENERGEST: Increasing of automotive car industry competitiveness through an integral and AI driven energy management system
  • VERDE: Development and economic introduction of electric and electric hybrid vehicles in the automotive market
  • MOET: Definition of new industrial standard for commercial aircraft electrical system design
  • LOPTIM: Development of predictive maintenance system for industrial machinery based on induction motor current analysis, wireless and self-power technologies.

A complete and updated list of the Center’s contribution to national and international project can be found in FUTUR UPC.

Reinventing High-performance pOwer converters for heavy-Duty electric trAnSport

May 2022 – October 2025
European Commission


RHODaS project aims at developing disruptive topologies of power converters using new semiconductor materials as well as cutting-edge digital technologies to improve architecture efficiency, power density, reliability, cost and sustainability.

High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services

January 2021 – December 2024
European Commission


The HELIOS project aims at developing and integrating innovative materials, designs, technologies and processes to create a new concept of smart, modular and scalable battery pack for a wide range of electric vehicles used in urban electromobility services, from mid-size electric vehicles to electric buses, with improved performance, energy density, safety, lifetime and LCoS (Levelized Cost of Storage)

High efficiency and power density multi-port isolated DC/DC power conversion system based on wide bandgap devices

June 2020 - May 2023
European Commission

Retos de Investigación;  UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

AEMS-IdFit, Aircraft Electrical Model Simulation Identification and Fitting Toolbox

UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain) / FP7 - CleanSky


The general objective of the AEMS-IdFit project is to adapt and develop generic models of aircraft electrical systems to reproduce the response from experimental measurements and manufacturers design data under different operating conditions, giving a full-representation of electrical systems dynamics.

High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services

January 2021 – December 2024
European Commission

The HELIOS project aims at developing and integrating innovative materials, designs, technologies and processes to create a new concept of smart, modular and scalable battery pack for a wide range of electric vehicles used in urban electromobility services, from mid-size electric vehicles to electric buses, with improved performance, energy density, safety, lifetime and LCoS (Levelized Cost of Storage)

ECOBULK, Circular Process for Eco-Designed Bulky Products and Internal Car Partsigh-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services

January 2017 – December 2019
H2020 – CIRC


Exergy,  UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics and more than 30 partners.

DepurGan, Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials

April 2015 - July 2017 - HORIZON2020 - Benefit for the SMEs
Ateknea, Eurogan and UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics


The main objective of the DEPURGAN project is to design and build an electronic power system with high power, very high efficiency and power density, for high current electro-coagulation applications. The power source designed will be based on broadband (SiC) switching technologies and very high frequency resonant topologies.

PowerTrain REVO, Fault Tolerant Powertrain based on multiphase PMa_SynRM driven by a SiC inverter for a reliable Electric Vehicle operation.

Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2019 / Retos de Investigación
UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

The general objective of the project is to investigate, design, develop and verify a new high power density, efficient and reliable electric power train, based on multiphase PMa-SynRM motor driven by SiC converters. Enhanced power converters and motor control characteristics regarding fault tolerance and reliability will be achieved by optimal power converter design and intelligent active gate driving (efficiency and EMIs), fault detection and fault mitigation by redundancies and management of the faulty operation modes and control access to neutral point of the motor, which in case of fault will allow fault tolerant control and balance of the thermal stress along the stator core to output power of the machine regarding efficiency.

MULTYCAB, Power cable modelling for WIPS electromechanical chain.

Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2015 / FP7 - CleanSky
UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

The Multi Layer Cable Model MultiCaB project aims to research and develop advanced parametric power cable models for aeronautical applications, specifically, thermo electric Wing Ice Protection Systems, WIPS.

Apart from basic voltage and current analysis, models must allow to simulate and study high frequency effects, such as skin and proximity effects, standing waves and resonances, conductive and isolation losses and temperature effects.

MAGMOLIB, Modelica library of detailed magnetic effects in rotating machinery

Oct. 2013 - Sep. 2015/ FP7 - CleanSky
UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

The project proposes the conception and development of an Interactive Development Tool Modelica-Based for Electric Machines, IDTMEM, which must be able first to generate an Modelica model for the electric machine, and later to estimate electrical, mechanical and thermal machine properties, all from completed or basic design choices, initially specified as parameters and torque/power demand profiles and basic consideration of thermal effects and cooling, as stated in project requirements. IDTMEM is foreseen as a type of IDE (integrated development environment), here targeted to support the process of designing electric machines.

HEPEV_SSiC, High-performance power train for the electric vehicle based on the latest technologies of synchronous motors and power converters with SiC.

Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2016/ Retos de Investigación
UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

The main goal of the project is the research and development of new electric power train to promote and facilitate the use of electric vehicles in a clean urban environment. Electric Vehicle (EV) Technologies continue high on academic and industrial research agendas and innovative technologies of low cost high efficiency electric motors supplied by high temperature energy efficient power electronics converters DC/DC and DC/AC are solutions to be investigated. Advance control and fault tolerance for the most robust and reliable powertrains must also be considered in future electric powertrains.

EFINDPRO, Processes and living lab for industry energy efficiency.

Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2014/ KIC InnoEnergy - Energy Efficiency

Kingliga Tekniska Högskola (Sweden), UPC-Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

Energy efficiency in industry is a concept with broad spectra of activities since industrial activities have a big diversity of processes. This fact makes evident the need for education focussed to form open minded people with global vision of the industrial scenarios, able to cross initiatives to improve means to reduce energy consumptions.

The aim of the project is to improve and to innovate in technological and business solutions that can be applied horizontally to several industrial sectors. The horizontal approach to energy efficiency in all industrial sectors is based on the premise that energy is used in all installations, and that common systems and equipment occur in many sectors. All innovative solutions will be tested and implemented in real cases, the named living labs being a platform to foster and demonstrate new concepts on SMEs. +

RUE, Advanced wide band gap semiconductor device for rational use of energy.

Nov. 2009 - Oct. 2014 / Consolider-Ingenio

Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CSIC), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Instituto de Sistemas Ópticos y Microtecnología, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Centro de Electrónica Industrial, Universidad de Oviedo – Grupo de Sistemas Electrónicos de Alimentación y Grupo de Accionamientos Eléctricos, Universidad de Valencia – Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Centro de Investigación en Electrónica de Potencia, Universidad de Zaragoza – Grupo de Electrónica de Potencia y Microelectrónica, Universitat Rovira I Virgili – Grupo de Automática y Electrónica Industrial, TECNALIA Corporación Tecnológica – Unidad de Energía

The main objective of this project is to develop a real first generation of new Wide Band Gap power semiconductor devices that allow both an important improvement in the performance of existing converters and the development of new power converters; in both cases seeking a more rational use of the electric energy. Among the possible candidates to be the base materials for these new power devices, SiC and GaN present the best trade-off between theoretical performances (high-voltage blocking capability, high-temperature operation and high switching frequencies) and real commercial availability of the starting material (wafers) and maturity of their technological processes. +

 applications and the tertiary sector.

Jan. 2009 - Apr. 2014 / SGR
UPC - MCIA Innovation Electronics

EUROENERGEST, Increase of automotive car industry competitiveness through an integral and artificial intelligence driven energy management system.

Jan. 2012 - Jul. 2015 / FP7 - Cooperation

Enertika (Spain), SEAT S.A. (Spain), Brunel University (UK), VTT (Finaland) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

Enertika (Spain), SEAT S.A. (Spain), Brunel University (UK), VTT (Finaland) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).
The aim of the project is to reduce, at least by 10%, the energy consumption of HVAC systems and manufacturing processes in automotive industry by developing an Intelligent Energy Management Systems (IEMS). The IEMS allows the interaction between loads, power generation equipments and environmental and operating conditions in order to optimize the energy consumptions.

MOSYCOUSIS, Intelligent Monitoring System based on Acoustic Emission Sensing for Plant Condition Monitoring and Preventative Maintenance.

Sep. 2011 - Dic. 2013 / FP7 - Benefit for SMEs


Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain), Optel (Poland), Ardoran (Estonia), Sitex45 (Romania), Endeco (Ireland), Tyndall (Ireland) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The project has the objective of developing an intelligent monitoring system based on acoustic emissions sensing for the monitoring, intelligent control and preventive maintenance of industrial machinery.

RESAMCAR, Research on Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor Drive for in-Wheel Car Applications: Electromagnetic and Power Electronics Technologies.

Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2013 / CICyT
UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

Proposal and experimental validation with high performance control of a fault tolerant axial flux machine for an "in-wheel" motor to be installed into a small or medium electric car is the main objective of this project.

DIAGMAN-MECH.AUTO, Detection and Diagnosis of failures for predictive maintenance of mechatronic systems.

Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2009 / CICyT
UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

 The project, in collaboration with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), includesinvestigation on control, supervision, procedures, diagnosis and forecasting technologies for overland and aeronautic transport industry applications.

LOTPIM, Low cost, predictive maintenance system for industrial machinery, based on Induction Motor Current Analysis, Wireless Network and Self-Power technologies.

Sep. 2005 - Aug. 2007 / FP6 - CRAFT

CRIC (Spain), JCB ELECTROMECANICA S.L. (Spain), Advanced Digital Design S. A. (Spain), Angewewandte System Technik GmbH (Germany), Fabryka Wentylatorow S.A. (Poland), Flexachem Manufacturing Ltd. (Ireland), Delegada Tecnica S.L. (Spain), Electronic Systems Design Ltd. (Malta), Schmidt, Kranz & Co. GmbH (Germany), InnowacjaPolska sp z o. o. (Poland) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The project will combine low powered innovative technology, artificial intelligence and a wireless communication network that will render the device both intelligent and autonomous, allowing continuous centralised monitoring of the plant at a fraction of the cost of current alternatives. The generic technology will find applications in areas where motors, pumps, gearboxes or drive chains need to be monitored on a continuous basis, such as fluids processes in chemical industries, motor generator systems, serial trunk conveyor systems, and general line production in manufacturing industries.

MOET, More Open Electrical Technologies.

Jul. 2006 - Jun. 2009 / FP6 - Aerospace

AIRBUS Operation GmbG (Germany), Goodrich Actuation Systems (France), DLR (Germany), Crisa (Spain), UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain) - 62 European partners from 15 countries composed of universities, research centres a broad range of aircraft, system and component manufacturers.

In line with the vision 2020, MOET aims to establish the new industrial standard for commercial aircraft electrical system design, which will directly contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the aeronautical industry. MOET will also contribute reducing aircraft emissions and improving operational aircraft capacity. Recent National and European research activities and state of the art commercial aircraft developments, have launched more advanced approaches for on-board energy power management systems. These benefits have also been recognised in North America where this is being given special consideration. A step change is necessary to remove current air and hydraulic engine off-takes and further increase the electrical power generation capability

CONDIAG-MIP, New techniques of Control, Supervision and Diagnosis oriented to improve the performance of electrical drives with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.

Jan. 2004 - Dec. 2006 / CICyT
UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain)

The project covers new strategies of sensorless control as well as the analysis and development of an intelligent algorithm for failure detection and diagnostic over high efficiency PMSM machines.

Intelligent design and management of energy communities with blockchain and batteries.

April 2023 - March 2024
Support program for Innovative Business Groups

The main objective of the project is the research and development of secure and reliable digital tools to promote and facilitate the implementation and interoperability of Urban Energy Communities. The project is based on a comprehensive approach that considers the viability and operation of the Energy Community infrastructure (i.e. photovoltaic generation, storage and optimization), the applicable legislation and regulation framework (i.e. interoperability between CE, relationship with distributors and electricity market in general, and system services), and the necessary management tools (i.e. SaaS architecture, communication and data exchange platforms, and transaction registration and monitoring).

Optimization of photovoltaic technology for self-consumption in buildings

Setember 2022 - August 2025 
Proyectos en Colaboración Público-Privada


The main objective of the Optima Project, led by the ISFOC Center, is the design, prototyping and verification of a complete state-of-the-art photovoltaic system for self-consumption, adapted for installation on flat roofs of commercial and industrial premises. The project supports and applies the latest advances in photovoltaic, mechanical, electronic and computer technologies, for its intelligent application in the generation of clean energy for buildings.

The MCIA Research Center of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya participates as a technological partner in the project, for the implementation of the power electronics necessary for the connection of the new bifacial photovoltaic panels to the electrical network. In particular, MCIA is in charge of the design and programming of DC/AC microinverters and DC/DC power optimizers, based on the new WBG switch technologies and the use of MTTP algorithms, AC network connection and supervision and predictive maintenance. of the final teams.

Infrared Thermometer for Industrial purpose

January 2022 – September 2022 / Private
Sitex 45  and UPC-MCIA

Predictive control over HVAC machinery in buildings

January 2022 – November 2022 / Private
The Predictive Company and UPC-MCIA

Diagnosis of anomalies in power equipment through sound analysis DIAPASON

February 2022 – October 2022 / Private
Circutor S. A. and UPC-MCIA

Minorombo, Reduction of the effect of Rhombus in lines of continuous steel casting

July 2017 – June 2018 / Private
Global Steel Wire, IThink UPC and UPC-MCIA

PowerEAF, Analysis of the affectation of the fusion process of scrap to the consumption of the electric arc furnace

July 2017 – April 2018 / Private
Celsa Group, IThink UPC and UPC-MCIA

Bound4Blue, Rigid sail system and control applied to energy savings and efficiency in maritime transport

January 2018 - December 2018 / RIS3 SoderCan
Bound4Blue and UPC-MCIA


Reto de colaboración


The SmartConnector project was born due to the need to commercialize highly reliable substation connectors, compatible with HVAC and HVDC substations, which enable predictive maintenance not only of the connector but also of the installation and finally of the electrical substations.

The SmartConnector Project has the following objectives:

§ Develop, validate and commercialize a new family of intelligent substation connectors that incorporate:

- a sensor system (contact resistance, current, temperature, vibrations)

- a wireless communications system

- a system of energy harvesting

- a system that guarantees the correct installation of the connector

- a system for diagnosing the current condition of the connector

- a system for predicting the remaining useful life of the connector

§ All this in order to monitor the behavior of the connector in real time and diagnose its condition, as well as facilitating predictive maintenance and ensuring its correct installation.

§ The system must be compatible with current HVAC (high-voltage alternating current) systems and HVDC (high-voltage direct current) systems.

REGiREU, Research in water regeneration technologies and reuse risk management

January 2018 – December 2020 / Public

The REGiREU project framework corresponds to the RIS3CAT 2016 call and the FEDER Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. The project main objective is the development of innovative and competitive technology to overcome the main technological barriers in regard with the implementation of urban and industrial wastewater regeneration. The REGiREU project will allow to generate new knowledge necessary to develop technology to provide competitive advantages with respect to current technologies positioning the water sector in Catalonia among the world's leading suppliers of technology for the regeneration of wastewater.

ELDE, Electrochemical treatment of industrial wastewater: technical, environmental and economic viability

January 2018 – December 2020 / Public

The ELDE project is framed in the RIS3CAT call and the FEDER Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020, and its main objective is the selection of the effluents characteristic of the three industrial sectors of study, application of the different techniques of electrochemical treatment and the selection of the most optimal technology for each industrial sector. Based on these studies a pilot will be built to treat the water of the paper industry in order to validate the technology within the production process. A "multisector" pilot, smaller and more versatile, will also be built. Another important objective of the ELDE project is the reduction of energy consumption associated with electrochemical treatment techniques through the development of new high efficiency power systems and the use of renewable energy sources. In addition to studying the technical feasibility, the environmental and economic viability of the technologies developed will also be evaluated.

Centrifuge, Improved performance discontinuous centrifuges through the application of intelligent monitoring techniques

 January 2018 – July 2018 / Private
Elix Polymers, IThink UPC and UPC-MCIA 


Pma-SynRM-4, Electromagnetic design and control of PMa-SynRM for PHEV propulsion – Part 4

March 2017 - February 2018 / Private
CTS SEAT S.A., NFF Lower Saxony Automotive Research Centre, Volskwagen and UPC-MCIA


Pma-SynRM-3, Electromagnetic design and control of PMa-SynRM for PHEV propulsion – Part 3

January 2016 - March 2017 / Private
CTS SEAT S.A., NFF Lower Saxony Automotive Research Centre, Volskwagen and UPC-MCIA




InWheel, In-wheel motor for EV propulsion

June 2017 – December 2017  / Private agreement
CTS SEAT S.A. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics

This project is meant to cover the analysis of currently practicable electric motor technologies for in-wheel EV traction purpose. After motor technologies weakness and strengths identification, the project includes an analytic-based performance discussion of some of the considered options. Thus, considering a set of constructive constraints, some of the technologies will be used to design non-optimized finite element modelling based electromagnetic motor solutions. Their performances will be analyzed in order to be compared with current technology trends, as well as identify the most feasible solution in terms of performance.

SafePress; Failure Analysis System for Specific Supervision of Auxiliary Pump Pressure

October 2016 – May 2017  / Private agreement
Gestamp (Spain), UPCNet (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics 

The proposed system to be developed has the objective of supervising the point of operation of an auxiliary pump, and the subsequent detection and identification of anomalous operating patterns that negatively influence the pressing process.


iBPack; Development of the electronic system of management and control of energy and power for power train of electric motorcycle

October 2016 – September 2018  / Retos de Colaboración

SCUTUM (Spain), UPC-CITCEA (Spain), UPC-CDEI (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics

The iBPack project consists of the design and development of a Battery Pack for electric motorcycle with its own national technology, especially in the system of extraction and recharge of the battery, and in the circuit and programs of BMS (Battery Management System) of load control and discharge of battery cells.



i-Hook; Information management system for security control and traceability in suspended load handling applications.

March 2015 – December 2017 / Retos de Colaboración
Elebia Autohooks (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics

Eolution; Advanced Hybrid Electrooxidation and O3 technology for smart water management in agriculture and industrial sectors.

January 2017 – December 2019 / RIS 3 SODERCAN


The main objective of this project is the design and construction of an electronic power system of 20kW for the feeding of high-efficiency Electro-Oxidation systems. It also establishes as objective the implementation of a DSS based on the estimation of chemical parameters of the process, so in that case the applied current and the duration of the treatment will be adapted instantaneously to the water quality requirements, optimizing the maximum treatment.


GreenMaps; Development of new optimization maps of fuel consumption in 4T motorcycles based on the type of driving supported by an innovative exhaust system formed by exhaust pipe and an electronic module activated by mobile device.

June 2016 - May 2018 / R+D National Cooperation
Kit Yasuni and UPC-MCIA Innovations Electronics


The project that is presented has as principal objective the fundamental design and development of an innovative range of exhaust systems that, in combination with an electronic module activated from a mobile device, allows the optimization of fuel consumption. The objective is the optimization of the exhaust system and its electronic management by the inclusion of an electronic module capable of managing the parameters of operation of the engine to reduce the levels of consumption.


BEA; Intelligent Monitoring System for Bogies Predictive Maintenance based on Acoustic Emission. RTC-2016-5410-4

October 2016 – September 2019 / Reto de colaboración


As indicated by multiple professional associations around the rail sector, the most effective way to achieve greater safety maintaining a comfortable access to the service is to improve the monitoring and supervision of the state of the bogie through concrete actions based on research, development and innovation. Thus, the overall objective of the project is to develop technologies that allow the detection, location and diagnosis of cracks in critical elements of the bogie, such as the axles and tread of the wheels, as well as the evolution of such degradation, being possible the prediction of the fracture of the component once the presence of cracks is detected and its schedule of solicitation is known. 


PlatNiNovel; Machine monitoring platform with distributed and continuous novelty learning.

October 2016 – December 2018 / Collaboration Challenge


The project aims to innovate in the monitoring of industrial production machinery, a key aspect to ensure the quality of the manufactured products and to optimize the line's Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), proposing an intelligent monitoring platform for industrial machinery with continuous learning capacity during the life of the equipment with the capability to manage the variability of the machines monitored by means of the generalization of the diagnostic models.


3D Routing, Design of electric motor end-winding by means of 3D printing.

September 2016 – December 2016 / Collaboration project
Kit Yasuni and UPC-MCIA Innovations Electronics

The main objective of the project is the development of a design protocol to obtain optimized configurations of the end-windings in electric motors by defining CAD drawings that allow their 3D printing.



SynRM, Electromagnetic design and control of SynRM for PHEV propulsion.

Sept. 2014 - Jul. 2015 / Private agreement
SEAT S.A. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The general objective of this research line between CTS and UPC-MCIA, is the analysis of the technical possibilities towards the design of a reluctance synchronous motor for traction drive application. The resulting performances must be compared with current motors with magnets. The final objective is a manufacturing costs reduction, considering the minimization of magnets as well as a sensor-less control development.


GDO2Clim, Management of the demand and optimization of the operation of HVAC systems.

Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2017 / Retos de colaboración

Enertika (Spain), Wattbit (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The main objective of the project is the design and development of a set of energy management software tools to improve the energy efficiency of air conditioning systems automatically by controlling the operating points and consumptions of the equipment over time. This strategy allows the management of power load curves while monitoring the performance of the system.


PulsedPower2, Design and development of a power source for an excimer lamp.

Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015 / Private agreement
Fraunhofer IGB (Germany) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


Development of laboratory scale power sources for excimer lamps.


PrediVia, Development of a fault detection and monitoring system based on acoustic emission for predictive maintenance in railway deviation systems.

Jul. 2014 - Jun. 2017 / Retos de colaboración


Ferrocarriles de la Generalidad de Cataluña (Spain), Ingimec (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The overall project objective is to develop technologies for the detection and diagnosis in incipient stages of cracks over critical components of railway infrastructure, and also prognosis of their evolution. Continuous monitoring of these elements result in a substantial increase in infrastructure security and a reduction in the associated operation and maintenance costs.


SuperConnector, Development of substation connectors compatible with HTLS technology and associated test techniques.

Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2017 / Retos de colaboración / RTC-2014-2862-3
SBI Connectors España S.A. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


Development, validation and commercialization of a new family of substation connectors HTLS compatible with improved capacity and low power losses for transmission lines. Improvement and design of reduced scale testing procedures for this new family of substation connectors.

MoniPro, Intelligent monitoring system for integration in the copper transformation process.

Jun. 2014 - Dic. 2015 / EEA grants
La Fargo Rod S.L. (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The main objective of the present project is to increase the energy efficiency of La Farga Rod electrolytic copper wire process and thereby reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. To this end, the development of a new software system is planned, capable of ensuring in advance the quality of the final product in order to avoid as many losses as possible, and the waste of energy associated with the reprocessing of the refused products, and the production processes not being tuned optimally.

VM12, Modular integrated system MIS-VM12.

Jul. 2014 - Mar. 2015 / Private agreement
Sitex45 S.R.L. (Romania) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of an industrial prototype solution called modular integrated system, here MIS-VM12, related with chemical and environmental control and monitoring. Therefore, the scope of the project includes the design, implementation, components selection, the programming, the modules’ testing, the system’s integration and, finally, the functional validation.

VEUREE2, Automotive platform for energy efficient urban electric vehicle.

Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2015 / Iberoeka

TC-Technologies (Mexico), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico), Infranor S.L.U. (Spain), Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).

The overall objective of the project is to design and develop new drivetrains for light vehicles, based on axial flux permanent magnet electric machines for in-wheel installation, powered by redundant fault tolerant converters and hybrid energy storage systems with chemical battery and ultracapacitors. The goal includes the design and development of traction control algorithms and energy storage and control schemes of the resulting automotive power plant.

INPROFA, Research of the analytical capabilities of an electric motor supply signal against low-intensity spatial disturbances in complex mechanisms actuated by camshaft.

Sep. 2013 - Jul. 2015 / R+D National Cooperation
Volpak S.A. (Spain), GDE S.L. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The overall objective of this project is to develop an advanced predictive maintenance system applied to packaging machines in order to avoid mechanical anomalies and faults.

E2I, Energy to Industry.

Dic. 2013 - Jan. 2016 / Avanza
Enertika (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The project proposes the design and development of a cloud-based software platform to support energy management and predictive maintenance of facilities and equipment in buildings and small industries, through automatic modeling and forecasting of future consumption, monitoring thresholds using artificial intelligence techniques and detection of trends.

VElow; Electric low cost vehicle  for car-sharing

September 2012 – August 2015 / Nucleus project
Enertika (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The VElow project demonstrates the feasibility of building an electric quadricycle for carsharing. The VElow project, carried out by a consortium formed by six companies and co-funded by ACCIÓ, demonstrates the technical feasibility of developing a fully-electric urban vehicle falling within the heavy quadricycle segment, and specifically adapted for carsharing services in cities. The group Motion Control and Industrial Applications (MCIA UPC) has participated in the development and construction of a power converter, and in its testing and functional validation. Notable results of the project are performance of the motor-converter above 90%, final values of maximum torque and mechanical power of 90 nm and 12 kw, and speeds of up to 80 km/h on a maximum gradient of 7%. The vehicle has a range of 74 km, according to standard driving cycles.


EfficientLift, Design and development of a new range of energy efficient public elevators based on the control of the energy flows.

Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014 / R+D National Cooperation
Suministradores de ascensores S.A. (Spain), Grupo Luxiona S.L. (Spain), GDE S.L. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The project includes the definition of models and energy balances in elevators, both isolated and tandem, study of the energy recivery performance over DC bus, study and design of block power switches for battery charging in isolated systems, design of DC/DC converter for battery charging/discharging in tandem systems, power controller design and, finally, lighting circuits with high power LED.


VISIOPAL, Automatic detection of defective nails and staples in pallets.

Jan. 2012 - Mar. 2014 / R+D National Cooperation
Mecánicas Cape (Spain), CVC Research Group (Spain), GDE S.L. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The project, with a duration of two years, consists on the development of a quality control system for machines which manufacture wooden structures such as pallets. An electronic induction heating system allows to heat the embedded steel nails for a computer vision system based on thermal images to detect manufacturing defects.


MiPreVoz, Customizable intelligent voice recognition toy.

Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014 / R+D National Cooperation
IngoDevices S.L., GDE S.L. (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The overall project objective is to develop a new toy that interacts with the user through spoken language and adapt itself through self-learning. The response messages can be customized to the user (name, age, favorite color and others). 


PulsedPower, Development of a power source for an excimer lamp.

Jul. 2013 - Mar. 2014 / Private agreement
Fraunhofer IGB (Germany) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


Combining the expertise in high-efficiency and fault-tolerant power converter topologies and the use of SiC based semiconductors for high voltage and high frequency applications, this project covers the development of a new power electronic system working at high-frequency-high-voltage for an optimal and efficient DBD-plasma-lamps excitation.


OPTIENER, Energy efficiency optimization in facilities.

Apr. 2011 - Dic. 2014 / Innpacto
Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain), Electromecánica Soler (Spain), Eléctrica Clop and Soler Global Service (Spain) and UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain).


The project aims to develop an automatic energy consumption optimization system in buildingsd and industrial plants. The system is based on two basic modules: Facilities analysis and design module and Energy management tool module.


VERDE, Strategic national consortium towards electric vehicle technologies.

Dic. 2009 - Mar. 2013 / CENIT


Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain), SEAT S.A. (Spain), SIEMENS AG (Spain), Infranor SLU (Spain), LEAR Corporation (Spain), Mapro Technologies (Spain), Tecnalia (Spain), UPC-MCIA Innovation Electronics (Spain) - 30 Spanish partners composed of universities, research centres a broad range of automotive, system and component manufacturers.

MCIA Innovation Electronics takes part in the different activities which form the research and the technologies development for allowing a reliable and economic introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles in the automotive market. The related activities range from development of traction systems, converters for battery management and energy storage systems to vehicle recharge infrastructure and communications.




The main objective consists in the development of a new system based on ambient intelligence techniques for lighting management of commercial buildings. This kind of systems are relaed with different technology aspects like: design of intelligent control systems based on communication protocols for building automation and environmental intelligence techniques, design of specific electronic hardware, programming of distributed computing systems, lighting design and study of new possibilities for environments generation.



The objective of the project is related with the development of a new Life Support Systems for artificial aquatic ecosystems, which represent a technological leap in environmental sustainability and costs minimization, maximizing the efficient use of resources. Multidisciplinary fields take part in the project development: knowledge of ecosystems, technical facilities and installation of water treatment, energy facilities optimization and design and management of marine zoos.



Development of a Monitoring Integrated System in SCADA to get energetic consumes of a production plant of SEAT and to make a forecast of energetic consume for each energy involved. The aim is to know the consume forecast in the plant as a function of production variables by the development of an intelligent software based in artificial intelligence tools. (“Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm”, MOGA).



Monitorising the energetic consume of trans-elevators machine. Development of a software for prediction of energetic consume of a production plant, as well to make an optimized production plan having in mind production variables, times and energy expenditure.



The project involves the design of low voltage breaker (600 V, 200 A) for AC/DC applications. The main problem to solve is the arc extinction system. When the separable contacts of an air circuit breaker are opened, an arc develops between the two contacts. The most common design places the moving contacts inside of an arc chute. We proposes a new design with a insulator system moving between the contacts for arcing extinction which minimizes the chance of a fire and also minimizes damage to the breaker contacts. The project includes the mechanical design also.



SBI project is based on characterize the corona effect produced in transmission systems up to ±800 kV DC and 1200 kV AC during different environmental conditions. This will permit to optimize and design ultra high voltage connectors and corona shields to withstand at the voltage ranges specified before. In addition, the optimized and designed connectors and shields will be tested and manufactured. Optimization and design goes through chemical, electrical and mechanical coupled FEM method. Summarizing, the aim of this project is to provide consistent technological support and technical guidance to design of new ultra high voltage connection systems.



Design of three level power amplifier, multi-level, D-Class DCI-NPC for a professional audio system with changing loads.



This agreement aims to develop a new generation of advanced loudspeaker systems. For that reason, this project aims to research new technologies of amplification, and its application in the field of distributed sound systems, in order to provide high efficiency and quality, which represents a significant improvement compared to other commercial systems.



The projects's main objective is to develop an expert system for evaluation and identification of different defects in composite materials by inspection with nondestructive testing (NDE). The selected composite materials are fiberglass and polyester resin (GRP) and components of carbon fiber and epoxy resin (CFRP). The main non-destructive testing technique to implement the inspection of composite materials is ultrasound, as it is used in parallel screening techniques for imaging and optical techniques.



Application of biometric technologies applied to immigration management in borders and Aairports. MCIA provides the scientific and technical validation and recommendations for the system at the airport, which includes Biometric Systems and Fault Documentation Systems.



The project goal is to develop a system able of generate and transmit to-peer real-time video streaming from an independent video camera in an WIMAX environment.