MCIA takes part in RHoDaS Month 24 General Assembly Meeting

Jun 11, 2024

Researchers on behalf of entities from the RHODaS consortium met in person for the Month 24 General Assembly Meeting, which was held at the Valeo facilities in Amiens, France, from 3rd - 4th of June, 2024. Specifically, Valeo Amiens is one of the flagship sites for powertrain systems developments, and it is the closest to Valeo Headquarters located in Paris, France.

In addition to allowing the review and discussion of the latest progress of the project, General Assembly meetings contribute to better coordination between the members of the consortium, which is key to meeting all the milestones that have yet to be met in the project.

RHODaS is a European research project that develops solutions to improve powertrains for electric long-haul vehicles, such as trucks. The 4-year project started in May 2022 and receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe multiannual financial framework.

Furthermore, RHoDaS consortium brings together 9 partners from 6 EU countries. In fact, 3 universities, 2 research and technology organisations, 2 SMEs and 2 industrial partners. MCIA research group proudly represents Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), which is the coordinating entity of the project.